"explain me" or "explain to me" - 私に説明して!

tell meとかのイメージで今迄ずっとexplain meと言ってたけど、explain to meが正しいみたいだった。同じようなイメージでinterpret meとかも言ってた。恥ずかしい。

1 - Explain to me why you were late.
Tell me why you were late.

2 - Could you please explain the answer to this math problem?
Please tell me how you got this answer.

3 - Explain yourself right now!

  • Explain why you have done such a stupid or unthoughtful thing.

You are in deep s**t. You've screwed up and have to come up with an explanation but I don't think I'm going to accept it.

4 - I can explain myself.
I have an excuse for my seemingly unacceptable behavior.

5 - I need to explain 'me'.
this should ony be used by full-of-themsleves Hollywood actors who refer to themselves in the third person, or authors of touchy-feely self-help books.
